Pilates Background:
Morgan Browning’s Pilates journey began right out of college when she switched paths from Journalism to Pilates. She completed her first training program in 2010 at a local studio. In 2011, she opened The Pilates Club with her mom, Carla Brown, the same year that they both discovered Classical Pilates. She completed her classical training, the Power Pilates comprehensive training, in 2012. She is now a senior teacher since completing her Power Pilates graduate program in 2021. She attributes Pilates to her four, pain-free pregnancies and swift recoveries. She encountered and helped clients with countless “special cases” (ie. Slipped disk, fibromyalgia, pregnancy, hip replacement, knee injuries, low back pain, etc.) and she even taught at a nursing home for a couple years.
Morgan has been featured in Pilates Style magazine (July/August2019). She has continued her education through workshops from Kathi Ross Nash, Chris Robinson, Jay Grimes, Dana Santi, Peter Fiasco, and from the late Bob Liekens and Mari Winsor.
Face Yoga Background:
Morgan Browning’s face yoga journey started in 2019. She was about to turn 30 and had upped her skin care routine to help with aging, as the beauty industry led her to believe, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. Then she found face yoga. With her background in Pilates it just made sense. The 57 muscles in the face and neck need to exercise to stay fit and active and hold their proper posture, just like the rest of the muscles in the body. She spent a year researching programs before she finally took the plunge into the Glowinface method in 2020. The process, the order, the oppositional work, and the overall method connected her to her Pilates background. Plus, the connection to the science of face mapping and Chinese medicine took FaceYoga to another level. Morgan’s goal is to use her fitness background to make face exercise accessible with live feedback and regular guidance, and to make toning your face just as normal and regular as toning your body.
Morgan is constantly trying expand her knowledge on the face and it’s connection to the rest of the body through Chinese medicine and facemapping. In 2022, she earned three additional certificates: the Pro Gua Sha Program by Philosophia Botanica, the Facial Cupping Expert Course for Professionals and the Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure, both by the acupuncturist Sakina Di Pace.